

25 ago. 2018

Fica a par da mais recente competição que a IFMSA organizou para estudantes de Medicina a nível Mundial: Innovative4AMR, que se encontra alinhada com uma das prioridades de Saúde Pública da ANEM: a Resistência Antimicrobiana.

"Innovate4AMR, a competition for student teams across the world to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance in resource-limited healthcare settings.
Antibiotics are the cornerstone of many miracles of modern day medicine, from cancer chemotherapy to organ donation. The loss of effective antibiotics would mean reverting to a time when simple infections might become untreatable. Each year, 700,000 people die due to drug-resistant infections and, if unchecked, this number may rise to 10 million deaths a year by 2050— more than the number of people that die of cancer today.

Innovate4AMR invites students to come up with creative solutions that tackle how we might manage better the use of life-saving antibiotics in our hospitals, clinics and outpatient pharmacies, particularly in resource-limited settings.

How can we change patient expectations of an antibiotic when faced with a viral illness not treatable by such drugs? What role might telehealth play in improving antimicrobial stewardship without local infectious disease experts?
Students do not need any previous knowledge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). We have provided starter educational resources on our website: https://innovate4amr.wordpress .com/

There, you will also find more background information on Innovate4AMR, as well as the competition structure, Terms and Conditions and submission guidelines.

The deadline for projects proposals is Monday, September 17, 2018, following which a panel of expert judges will select the top proposals. Winning teams will have the opportunity to present their proposals at a capacity-building workshop— supported by the World Health Organization and South Centre—in Geneva, Switzerland, during World Antibiotic Awareness Week. There, students will attend workshops on AMR, collaborate with experts to develop further their innovation, and receive feedback on how best to operationalize their project."




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